We have been serving the community for many years. In 2015, John and Hannah Orton—who had been serving at a church in Graham, Washington—began to feel God calling them to move with their family to partner in the work God was doing in Corvallis. Together, the leadership began to feel God leading in an exciting new direction. Through much prayer and consideration, in 2017 Christ Church was born. Christ Church comes from a heart to be a reproducing, multi-ethnic, multi-generational church for the city of Corvallis; a church that makes disciples of Jesus... who make disciples of Jesus. We love our city and are here to serve and see its good, as we make much of Jesus together.

Reaching a city like Corvallis has many unique opportunities and challenges. One word from God that is shaping our new beginning is that “Our church would be like an international airport in many ways. For some it will be a destination, for others a sending, for many more it will be a layover.” We believe God has called us to fully invest in each group. Our hope is certainly to see some planted long-term, but that many more would be invested in, discipled, and sent out on mission to our nation and beyond. So whichever group you might find yourself in, there’s a place for you at Christ Church.

Like many new things, they often start small and take time, but anything worth doing is worth doing well. We are not simply trying to build successful Sunday gatherings; we are joining with Jesus in building His church… Christ Church... a people radically shaped by grace, committed to one another, living for the extension of the kingdom. So we invite you to come with us as we seek His kingdom come, together!

More about Who We Are, What We Believe, Our Team.


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